• Wilson's Snipe by Bob Keener

During the upcoming seasons of flu, COVID-19, and RSV, we encourage you to be safe. We urge you to check on an event’s status via the Calendar on this site before you attend.

Attention all young people between the ages of 5 and 18: Conococheague Audubon Society is conducting two different contests designed with you in mind. This is your chance to win a cash prize! Both our “Longest Bird List of the Year” and “Best Bird Photo of the Year” contests involve your love of nature and your keen observation skills. The contests will be judged in two different age groups – ages 5 to 15 and ages 16 to 18.

Details about the current contests can be found here.

Winners of the 2022-2023 contests can be found here.

Conococheague Audubon Society is pleased to offer scholarship support for educational activities in keeping with our mission: promoting the conservation of wildlife and the environment by appreciating, studying, and observing nature. Please see the Scholarships page for information about how to apply.

  • December 2024 from the President

    I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of good food and family traditions. Perhaps you saw some good birds in November, too. A Hermit Thrush and a pair of Eastern Bluebirds stop by my yard every now and then, and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and a Brown Creeper are here more regularly. The leaves from my oak trees are mostly down, and the (non-native) Burning Bush has no berries left. I was remiss in not discouraging you from planting Burning Bush. They are not native and can become really invasive. You might try a native viburnum or native shrub dogwood instead. There will be a list of good options in an upcoming Naturally newsletter.

    Just in time for holiday gift-giving, at the December meeting we will display more than 20 fine art prints from the collection of Jim and Deb Wheeling. The Wheelings are generously donating the prints to Conococheague Audubon, and we are offering them to you. Any voluntary contribution would be welcome. The prints will be available for viewing starting at 6:30 PM.

    At our December program, Diversity in the Andes, Debby Hook and Terri Kochert will highlight the spectacular plumage of bird species in “the birdiest place in the world.” After learning how folks in Colombia and Ecuador are benefiting from birding tourism, the program will finish with a colorful slide show of beautiful equatorial birds. The meeting will take place at 7 PM on Monday, December 9 at St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, (off Route 997, near Scotland exit off I-81) 2695 Luther Dr, Chambersburg, PA 17202. You may also participate via Zoom.

    Conservation Chair John Greer reports that the legislature passed and the Governor signed a bill this summer that directs PENNDOT to landscape state-owned roads using native plants. This new law will benefit the public by reducing pollution run-off and beautifying our roadways.

    John also reports that the legislature included $50 million for the Clean Streams Fund, which extends the Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) in the state’s budget for fiscal year 2024-25.  ACAP will receive $35.75 million of the $50 million.  Under ACAP, decisions to reduce agricultural pollution run-off are made at the local conservation district level.

    If you haven’t already, please consider donating to Conococheague Audubon to keep things rolling. Mail your donation to CAS at PO Box 20, Fayetteville, PA 17222. Good birding and Happy Holidays!

      Valerie Barnes, President

Calendar of Events

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You can filter which kind of events appear by using the Category pull-down. To switch back to viewing all event categories, use the small green x in the Category control to clear the filter.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
First Saturday Bird Walks 8:00 am
First Saturday Bird Walks
Nov 2 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
First Saturday Bird Walks
SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) walks, 8:00 AM first and third Saturdays; various locations in Franklin County. Larry and Sharon Williams, 717-655-7414; see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717-762-0373 for schedule.
Gen Mtg, Nov: Youth Contests; Breeding Bird Surveys in our National Parks: Catoctin’s Top Ten 7:00 pm
Gen Mtg, Nov: Youth Contests; Breeding Bird Surveys in our National Parks: Catoctin’s Top Ten
Nov 11 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Gen Mtg, Nov: Youth Contests; Breeding Bird Surveys in our National Parks: Catoctin's Top Ten
  Topic 1: Youth Contest Winners announced tonight. Topic 2: Breeding Bird Surveys in our National Parks: Catoctin’s Top Ten Presented by: Member Becky Loncosky Arranged by: Lisa Coombs Available in-person or via Zoom Location:[...]
Nature Film: Islands of Wonder: Madagascar (CAMS) 7:00 pm
Nature Film: Islands of Wonder: Madagascar (CAMS)
Nov 14 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Nature Film: Islands of Wonder: Madagascar (CAMS)
Nature Film:  Islands of Wonder: Madagascar, PBS. The oldest island on Earth, Madagascar has been isolated longer than any other place in the world. Life here has had time to evolve in unusual ways, resulting[...]
Third Saturday Bird Walks 8:00 am
Third Saturday Bird Walks
Nov 16 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Third Saturday Bird Walks
SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) walks, 8:00 AM first and third Saturdays; various locations in Franklin County. Larry and Sharon Williams, 717-655-7414; see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717-762-0373 for schedule.
Joint Executive Committee / Board of Directors Meeting, November 6:30 pm
Joint Executive Committee / Board of Directors Meeting, November
Nov 18 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Joint Executive Committee / Board of Directors Meeting, November
Joint Executive Committee and Board of Directors Meeting Committee/project chairs also invited. Others welcome. In-person or via Zoom Leader: Valerie Barnes, president Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7211203928?pwd=RXNwMjZpQVNvSHJGRld3cWZFQjJiZz09&omn=89459519789 Meeting ID: 721 120 3928 Passcode: cardinal20



Conococheague Audubon Society

The mission of the National Audubon Society is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity.

Conococheague Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society based in Fayetteville in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. The group started in 1961 as the Conococheague Naturalists. Through programs, field trips, nature films, displays, and a newsletter, we promote conservation of wildlife and the natural environment with a focus on appreciating, studying, and observing birds.

We are a family-friendly organization. The membership includes over 400 people residing primarily in Franklin, Cumberland, and Fulton Counties.

Conococheague Audubon meets monthly September through May on the second Monday at 7:00 PM at St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2695 Luther Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202. At a pot luck supper in January, held at 6:00 PM at St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, members share stories, photographs, fellowship, and home-made food.

Please make a difference in our local community by being good stewards of the earth in your daily lives. Share our passion for conservation, birding, and the natural world by coming to our meetings and films, going on field trips, helping with projects, and participating in bird counts. Our experienced birders love to teach beginners. Read Audubon Magazine and our Naturally newsletter to stay abreast of national, international, and local environmental issues. You and your family can enjoy educational opportunities at Audubon’s Nature Centers and Sanctuaries across the country. Take peaceful walks and learn the wonders of nature.

We welcome new members! Anyone who joins the National Audubon Society from our area automatically becomes a member of our chapter. Similarly, anyone who joins the local chapter can also join the national organization. To join, please go online to the National Audubon site or click here to go the Join or Renew page or contact our current membership chair, Lisa Coombs.

In 2016 the CAS leaders updated the chapter’s 10-year plan to help guide our future actions and strengthen the organization. To volunteer, please contact our current president, Valerie Barnes. To make a tax-deductible contribution, please mail your check payable to CAS.

What we do

Conococheague Audubon Society meets the second Monday each month, September through May, at 7 PM at St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church

Program topics focus on birds, wildlife and conservation. All are welcome.

Nature films, produced by PBS are shown each year at Chambersburg Area Middle School South.

CAS leads many free field trips throughout the year.


Audubon Adventures for Classrooms
National Audubon Society develops classroom lesson guides and supplements for teaching about science subjects. Conococheague Audubon Society buys the kits for local teachers of grades 3 through 6 who request them.
Citizen Science - Christmas Bird Counts
Members and friends join others across the hemisphere and nation to conduct this citizen science project each year. CAS started the Chambersburg CBC in 1960. Each year on one day the team chooses in advance that falls in the CBC window (December 14 – January 5), we count every single bird we can identify in the 15-mile diameter circle centered near the headwaters of the Falling Spring.

Some members also support other CBCs in our area: York Springs and Newville. A new count started recently in western Franklin County and eastern Fulton County: The Buchanan Trail CBC.

See the calendar for details about each count and for contact information. Look at December and January for dates.

Citizen Science - PA Bird Atlas
Starting in 2024 and running until 2029, the 3rd PA Bird Atlas will provide a snapshot of the population status and distribution of birds in the Commonwealth. No other bird surveys are as comprehensive, and for that reason, the results are critical to the establishment of conservation priorities for Pennsylvania birds.

The Atlas will be open to all volunteer birders, regardless of skill level, primarily by using the popular eB​ird online database to record observations. It also will be the first time a Pennsylvania Bird Atlas will incorporate winter surveys in addition to breeding season surveys, which will help refine the understanding of the year-round distribution and relative abundance of Pennsylvania’s bird populations. Visit https://ebird.org/atlaspa/home to learn more about participating.

Educational Exhibits and Presentations
We have prepared several slideshows about birds and conservation. Contact the Outreach – Education chair to arrange a presentation for your organization.
Interpretive Sign at Chambersburg's Cumberland Valley Rail-Trail
Visit the CV rail-trail near 184 Southgate Mall, Chambersburg, to see the sign we designed and installed to show bird species along that stretch of the trail that borders the Conococheague Creek.

Beginning Birders' Workshop
Since 2009 we have conducted a workshop for beginning birders in early June at Caledonia State Park. Families, adults, teens, and children age 6 or older may attend our annual workshop. See the calendar for details.

An average of 24 adults and children have joined us each year. About 20 Conococheague Audubon Society volunteers show participants how to use binoculars and find and identify birds. Leaders split the participants into three groups and take off into different areas of the park. We reconvene at the Visitors’ Center for refreshments and to tally the species seen. A slide show helps all to remember what the birds they saw look like and what songs they sing.

Each child gets to choose one gift from an assortment of field guides, coloring books, knapsacks, and other free items.

Checklist of Birds
The Birds of Franklin County, PA checklist is available for free at the hospitality desk during general meetings. It lists species and abundance codes for species seen in the county. Extremely rare birds are not included.
Bluebird Trail
The Bluebird Trail committee monitors bluebird boxes from May through August each year. Contact the committee chair to learn more and to volunteer.
Nature Film Series
We show professionally-produced, family-friendly nature films each season for FREE at Chambersburg Area Middle School South. See the calendar for dates.
Displays, Programs
We hold monthly meetings September-May at St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church. Topics vary from year to year and cover a wide range of subjects with a common focus on the environment. See the calendar for details.

We have a set of programs (slide shows) prepared to give to local groups. Each can be tailored a bit to suit a specific audience.

We invite and welcome attendees for our meetings.

Field Trip Records
We conduct many field trips each year. Trips usually take place on Saturday. Some are to local hot spots, some are out of the area. Binoculars are available on loan for those who don’t have their own. See the calendar for planned field trips. Visit the Observation Records page to learn what species you might expect to see on each field trip.

Norlo Park Native Plants Garden


Youth Contests

Norlo Park Native Plant Garden Bench

Meet Our Team

These are the leaders of Conococheague Audubon

Term expires 2025.
Publicity Chair.
Chambersburg CBC Zone 3.
Chambersburg CBC Zone 1.
Buchanan Trail CBC Zone 4.
Trip Leader.
Franklin Co. compiler for PSO reports.
PA Bird Atlas - Franklin County Co-Coordinator
Chambersburg CBC Zone 2.
Trip Leader.
Term expires 2025.
Beginning Birders' Workshop.
Recording Secretary.
Term expires 2026; may be reelected.
Trip Leader.
Term expires 2026; may be reelected.
Trip Leader.
Chambersburg CBC Zone 4.
Trip Leader.
Newsletter Editor.
Beginning Birders Workshop.
Education - Schools.
Web Maintenance.
Chambersburg CBC Zone 5.
Term expires 2026.
Term expires 2026.
PA Bird Atlas - Franklin County Co-Coordinator
Conservation Chair
Trip Leader.
Norlo Park Garden.
Trip Leader.
Term expires 2027.
Trip Leader.
Vice President.
Term expires 2026; may be reelected.
Membership Chair.
Bluebird Trail.
Chambersburg CBC Feeder Watchers.
Trip Leader.
Bluebird Trail.
Term expires 2027.
Trip Leader.
Trip Leader.
Immediate Past President.
Term expires 2026.
Nature Films.
Charitable Giving.
Education - Outreach.
York Springs CBC Leader.
Term expires 2026; FINAL term
Corresponding Secretary. Term expires 2026; may be reelected.
Chambersburg CBC Compiler.
Website Content.
Trip Leader.
Buchanan Trail (Franklin/Fulton) and Newville CBCs Leader..

Officers/Executive Committee

Board of Directors

Committee/Project Chairs

Christmas Bird Count Leaders

Field Trip Leaders

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